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Women, Creeks and Canoes

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Women, Creeks and Canoes

When young, I somehow thought women to be fonts of magic and romance.
Decades of market research has largely dispelled that notion,
with consistent findings that women sabotage Eternity by possessing men,
playing out an imprint formed while bossing their dollies around.

Feminists have actually worsened this insulting-to-men women’s obsession with possession,
by emulating male aggressiveness in a misguided ambition for equality.

Misguided : the idea of equality between the sexes is a lunatic nonsense ;
because the respective attributes of men and women are profoundly different.
Relativism, of defining themselves in terms of men’s attributes, is looking in the wrong direction.

Women should define themselves in feminine concepts, in their natural attributes
attributes that have been suppressed and forbidden by the callous empire of whitemen.
Natural faculties is where the power of women lies [the 2nd Attention at the womb],
long buried by the blizzard of religious lies that have domesticated women
since Saul of Tarsus {the crusading St.Paul} forbade women a voice
in Saul's church of Something-for-Nothing.

And misguided, in that the political symbolism of an equal voice
does not meet women’s real need : of living from the Totality of the Self.
It is really, really stupid to want a political counterfeit of liberation.

The christjuns have made an intelligent real woman so mythical as the unicorn.
What is a real man to do for company,?
when women don’t have the guts to be Real instead of political ?

I had hoped that among the native american people
there might still be women who know how to be real.
But what I see : the old ways have been erased by the christjun conquistadors.

In the 1950s, I was a feminist.
With the benefit of 60 years market research, I am now a solitary.

While ever women are without both sobriety & silent knowledge,
those womb-bearing domesticators of men are more work than they are worth.

Instead, I bonded with a wolfette for a companion.
Good Bye Cruel World of Tyrannical WoMen.

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